Monday, December 29, 2008

Open Their Eyes

Have you ever sat in front of someone and they weren’t sitting in front of you? You’re talking to them; they are nodding their head, giving the occasional, “mmhmm,” but it is obvious they really aren’t with you. I’ve talked to people from New York City and they tell me about how lonely it can be. I find it hard to believe that in a city booming with so many people that you can stand alone in a crowd. They are right there next to you but you’re miles apart.

A lot of people have this view of God. You talk to Him but He just doesn’t seem to be there. You tell them that He’s standing right in front of them…all around them…but they see Him as a distant God. God created this whole shindig and then stepped away. Most people live out their lives with this view of a distant God. Why? I think it is because they have never really opened their eyes to His presence…or no one has opened their eyes to His presence.

I really love the story of Elisha and his servant in II Kings 6. Verse 17 grabs me…“And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” Elisha prayed this for his servant because he himself could see the Glory of God all around him. He then shared it.

We are the people who are in intimate relationship with God. We are the ones who see His face. We are the ones marked with His Holy Spirit. We are the temple He dwells in. We are the people who open the eyes of those around us to see God standing in front of them. How will you open someone’s eyes this week so they see that God is standing right there in front of them?

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