Monday, July 16, 2007

Sorry Jesus...I didn't realize that was you...

A number of different things happened over this past week. I had my one year anniversary of doing full time youth ministry here at Northview on the 10th. A woman really close to me back home passed away this week as well. She was always so nice to me, always had a smile, and a kind word to share with me. She will be greatly missed. My Dad turned 53 and Brady White turned 13. Lots of things have happened this week.

The best thing I saw this week was your teens, as an arm of Northview and of God’s Kingdom, stretching out to touch families in Summerville, SC. They joined with other teens from all over the Carolinas to be the loving arms of Jesus to others in this world. One of the speakers at Carolina Workcamp spoke about how when we help others we are helping Jesus. Most of the time when we overlook helping someone in need, we overlook the fact that we are overlooking Jesus Himself. While on this scheduled week of helping others we were challenged to find ways in which this isn’t just a time we set aside in our schedules but that our lives become a life of service.

In Wichita Falls, the place of my birth, there has been major amounts of flooding. I never realized the Great Plains could flood but they did. What an amazing opportunity for Christians to not only be the loving arms of Jesus to others but to also show Christ the love they have for Him by helping Him when He is in need. Katrina was another time many Christians stepped up to the call.

Often we look to times of disaster as opportunity to help those in need, but reality is that there are always people around us that could use the loving touch of Jesus in their lives. Remember, when you extend the loving arm of Christ to another, not only do you touch them but you also show Jesus how much you really care about Him.
