Monday, February 16, 2009

Quarter Century

A quarter century passed on Feb 15. A lot has happened in the last 25 years. I’ve been to 16 different countries…some more than once. I’ve climbed mountains. Laughed hysterically. Cried vigorously. Met strangers. Shared love. Bonded. Became a Brother to people I had never met. Seen God in amazing ways. Shared Jesus. Found Jesus. Been angry with God. Laughed with God. Talked long talks with God. Walked with God. Regretted things I’ve done. Remembered. Forgotten. Forgiven. Preached a wedding…and a funeral. Lived in a different country. Moved out on my own. Experienced new adventures. Had my first spanking. Took my first breath.

I have seen and done a lot in the first 25 years of my life. I don’t say this to boast or to make you think more of me. I’ve done a lot in my short existence. Looking back on my list of stuff I’ve seen and done I get excited about the opportunities I’ve had. In 25 years I hope my list looks different…not that I don’t want anymore adventure because I really do. I hope that when I am 50 and I look back at the last quarter century…my next 25 years, I hope my list looks more like Paul’s in 2 Corinthians 11.

When I look back over my life I hope to see all of the times that I could do nothing more than to put my trust in God. I hope I see a life that was a life of dependence and not on independence. I hope that the next 25 years will be lived in a way that I find no strength in myself but only in God.

Now that I know what I want to look back on…how do I live it? What areas in my life do I depend on myself and not God? Where to I turn first when something happens…either good or bad? During time of crisis…economic, physical, mental…where do I find my strength? In all areas of my life, do I see God or myself?

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