Thursday, January 17, 2008


The National Conference on Youth Ministry was a great conference this year. It isn’t a week of a bunch of youth ministers getting together to compare shorts and sandal combinations and to talk about different approaches to wearing a new style of facial hair. It is an amazing week to get filled, see some old friends, and sit at the feet of veterans who have been in the trenches for 15 and 20+ years. The unbridled worship that takes place there, when hundreds and hundreds of youth ministers get together, is incredibly uplifting.

One of the greatest things about going to this conference is the reminder of why we do what we do. I feel like, at times, that I’ve done my ministry out of commitment to the church rather than something much deeper. Commitment is not a bad thing but it can be shallow. It is something that I have to keep in check from time to time. What I continue to strive for, and this week was a constant reminder of this, is to do my ministry from the inside out, to be so filled with God so that I am working from the overflow of God in my life, and not the outside in.

The world wants us to be crazy…Believe it or not, ministers even get crazy…We are called to step into the peace of Christ…where craziness ceases to be. Take a moment and look at your life. How often do you stop and sit in the presence of God? Would you consider your life to be crazy? We live in a world where we get frustrated when the microwave takes too long…or the fast food isn’t as fast as we would like. We live crazy kind of lives…and as a minister I find myself ministering out of this craziness. Something has to change and I have to keep this in check.

I know this is a little late but here is one of my New Years Resolutions for my ministry in 2008:

- Find my Song – that will drive this year
- Find my Passage – that will motivate this year
- Find my Literature – that will keep it all in perspective
- As I continue in my personal Bible study I want to look for how God is already working in people’s lives and see what He wants me to do

1 comment:

katie said...

It was good to see you at NCYM too! I have to say though, I had nothing to contribute to the facial hair conversations.