Thursday, March 08, 2007

Special K and Double R

I was looking through some old CDs where I had saved a lesson plan I wrote back in college and ran across this story I wrote that more or less happened. It is about my friend and I one Saturday mornin....enjoy


This is a story about a little guy who was born yesterday morning (9/10/05) around 5am. With the struggles of new life in front of him, he was born into a large family. Over the next few ours all of his brothers, sisters, cousins, and a distant chocolate covered aunt were sold to the likings of the highest bidder. After only seven hours of life our little fighter was about to be cast aside with the rest of the trash of this world…

This is the point in every story where one might be looking for a hero to appear!

This is one of those stories…but let’s back it up a bit shall we…

Two guys, charming and good looking (no those are not their names), woke up on a certain Saturday morning, ignoring the temptations of the world through Saturday morning cartoons, and set out on a journey that would change their lives…forever. Who are these heroes you might ask. I shant reveal their true identities so I’ll just give their super names, Special K and Double R. Their journey had a direct purpose…it was the kind of journey that only two college students, or little old ladies, could set out on. This was a journey of garage sailing.

As our two heroes ventured onward, sailing every garage they came across, Special K’s Super Nerd Senses went crazy! Special K looked at Double R and said, “Somewhere out there is a lost generation who was born early this morning! We must find them!” “But K,” Double R said. “It is high noon and it might be too late for us…wait!! I see Daylight down the street! We can check there.” “Good thinking! You’re such an awesome super hero…I just wish I could be as cool as you,” Special K exclaimed to Double R.

As K&R barge through the doors of Daylight, our heroes were just in time to save the lives of not just one of two little donuts, but 450 enslaved and neglected Daylight Donuts. Special K and Double provided joy for many tummies, gave these neglected donuts a proper home, and saved the world yet again.

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