Thursday, October 09, 2008

Jesus Be My Guide

Every year we do a Family White Water Rafting Trip on the Nantahala River (this year being my third since I’ve been here). With my love for adventure and the outdoors, I look forward to this trip each year. It is a great weekend of family, fellowship, fun, adventure…and as always…“injuries make memories” which has more or less become an unspoken motto for the Nantahala Trip. This year we had a great time with record numbers and many visitors (110 total I believe with 86 rafting).

The two rafts I took down the river were two of the best rafts I have ever had the pleasure of guiding. I was thinking back as to why those rafts…at the average age of 13…did so well. Unity. Unity was key in those rafts doing well. Before ever getting in the water they were given one simple instruction…paddle together.

Every once in a while someone would ask, “Are we going right or left?” and the response from Philip Travis and I would be, “You paddle…we will guide.” I heard another guide talk about their group and he said that when he said that they were going to the right someone said they wanted to go left and started paddling against everyone else. Needless to say…they got stuck on a rock. Sunday morning we talked a lot about fellowship, unity, and Jerry challenged us to let Jesus be our River Guide.

The more I thought about that the more I thought about the boats I had the privilege to guide. Life is a lot easier when we just keep paddling with everyone else and let Jesus be our guide. We may not all look the same in the way we paddle but we can all paddle in the same direction.
Hebrews 10:23-25 says, “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”


Josh said...

Three posts in one week? Impressive.

Ryan Russell said...

It is more so...I have a ton of posts that I typed over the past month and a half that I'm just now getting around to posting

Sammie said...

ooo you're a rafting guide? I've been with groups many times who couldn't work together for anything. One time I got thrown in a class 4 rapid because of it. good thoughts :)

babyblueeyed girl said...

what great thoughts and encourgement
Ryan you are so wise
and i thank you
i hope to come vist and hope to go rafting soon
thanks for the great post

Jessi said...

Great thoughts...if only we could get everyone in the boat and paddling the same direction. Seems like these days a lot of people are sitting backwards, trying to paddle up stream and yelling at their raft mates, when what we need to be doing is just be paddling together and letting Christ guide us!
I appreciate your writings...someday you should compile them all into a book.