Saturday, May 26, 2007

Big...really really couldn't imagine how big

To me, a baby was born this last Monday. I remember laying my eyes on her for the first time. She just sat there looking up at me out of her blue wrapping when I realized I needed to go attach her car seat to the top of my little red CRV. Weighing in at 800 ounces and around 144 inches in length my new baby is bright yellow from head to toe. The only problem is I still haven’t found a name for her yet.

I took her out on the lake twice this last week before the reality set in that I needed somewhere to store her. She didn’t look that big on the water compared to the other boats that I saw…and she didn’t really look that big on top of my car either. After carrying my new baby girl up the stairs and after managing to slide her into my apartment I not only realized how big my little girl really was but I also realized how grateful I was to have a 14 foot vaulted ceiling in my living room.

As I sat on my couch looking at my kayak, being that it is now the main focal point in my apartment, I thought about how much we do the opposite with God. We often confine God to the smallness of our minds. Even with all that open space inside our heads, we rarely do God any justice for how big He really is. “My God is so BIG, so STRONG and so MIGHTY. There’s nothing my God cannot do” is a great song that we limit to the imaginations of our children. Take a moment to evaluate your life…think about the things that you’re struggling with…apply the song…make it real…stop confining God to the vaulted ceiling of your mind and just see how big He really is.

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