Friday, March 14, 2008

Make Like a Tree

I love the theater! There is something about going to a play that ignites your imagination in a way that a movie simply cannot. When a play is done well…you find yourself in the middle of it…living it…becoming one with the characters. They capture you…almost like being a child again. This weekend has been full of plays for me. Thursday night I was taken into the Land of Oz by Amy Vannoy and the cast from the North Iredell Drama Department.

I am proud of my Amy. She had one of the most important parts in the play. When she first appeared on stage she was a tree…the best tree in the forest. Later the Land of Oz was brought to life with her dancing. I don’t know who the leads were…they did a good job…but you can’t have a forest without trees…you can’t have Oz without the dancers. Amy did a great job in her play…and was one of the most important parts.

To put on any kind of production is a lot of work. Everyone has to play their part. If there weren’t trees we might think the Cowardly Lion was in the desert. If no one made the props and there were no Oz Dancers…we might find Oz to be a boring place. Life is found, not in the main characters, but in the people and things surrounding the main characters. They give them setting. They bring them character. They provide them…life.

There is a Shakespeare quote I like from As You Like It, “All the world's a stage. And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances. And one man in his time plays many parts.” If this quote is true, I personally think we should have more special effects, theme music, and dance numbers but there is a good point to be made from this quote. In the Church, everyone must play his/her part. Everyone has different gifts…or roles…according to Romans 12:6-8.

Some people’s roles are more up front. Others are off to the side. There are people that are never seen but really are the ones that keep everything going. The important thing is that we all have to play the Role God has given us. In your church I am sure there are plenty of ministries for you to be a part of. If you are not sure what your role is find a ministry leader and they can help you find your role is this production of life. We need to be people of purpose. We need to do are part as best we can to bring life to this production. I guess I’ll end this with a quote from the great theologian, my Secratary, Liane Mullins, “Know your role!”

Sunday, March 02, 2008


This past week I went on a Prayer Retreat at a Monastery outside of Charleston, where they allow ministers to get away for a time and get revived, refocused, and refilled. My prayer life has been lacking for some time so I wanted to put my major focus for the week on my communication with God. I came back with a number of things from my time there but I quickly want to share some thoughts about relationship with God.

We were created for a relationship with God. There is no denying that. The hard part…at times…is figuring out how that relationship is going to grow. Throughout the week I kept coming back to John 4:23 where the “…true worshipers will worship in spirit and in truth.” As I sat around sitting and thinking on that verse I began to realize that I spend a lot of my time living in the “truth side of God.” What I mean by this is that, if you asked me to write a paper about “Who God is,” I could write a lot of great stuff for you. I’ve got the information side of God down.

I am setting out on the journey to figure out how to connect my head with my spirit…to where my spirit and the truth I possess both are in the relationship with God. I feel like Augustine captures this pretty well in his reflections on the Lord’s Supper. He talks about how Jesus is Bread that, no matter how much you eat, will never vanish. As you eat of this Bread, Augustine says, you continue to eat to the point where you are so filled with Jesus that you no longer exist but that Christ has transformed in you. I find these thoughts amazing since we are constantly being called to be like Christ.

So what does this have to do with the spirit side of the relationship with God? When you take the truth of God, i.e. “…your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36b), and apply it to your life, i.e. “Be merciful…” (Luke 6:36a), you are then transformed by the merciful nature of God…to where you are merciful. This causes the truth of God to then be lived out through your spirit. Here is my challenge for all of us: Make a list of the characteristics of God/Jesus. Look at the list and see where you need to be transformed (do not help your neighbor decipher this unless they ask for your help).

God will continue to call us to a deeper relationship with Him. As you grow with Him, you’ll grow to be more like Him. I’m not sure which comes first…will we understand God’s love first when we begin to love others like He loves or will we better love others when we find God’s love inside of us first? Let’s continue to be transformed by Him in this relationship so we can be better worshipers of Him in spirit and in truth…then we can tackle Luke 10:27, “Love the Lord your God with all your…heart…soul…strength…mind,” and go deeper and deeper into a transforming relationship with our Father.