Over the past week I’ve had the opportunity to drive past a median full of long stemmed flowers that are absolutely beautiful. It has been a great reminder of the new life that spring brings. Change is something that we don’t cope well with a lot of the time but it happens for the most part a few times a year. Change brings death to the things around us but also resurrects beautiful life. We possibly wouldn’t appreciate spring as much if we didn’t have the death that comes with winter.
I called my Dad the other day and was telling him about how cool these flowers are. At night they are pointed straight up and closed. In the morning they are pointed east and are wide open. When I drive past them later in the afternoon they are wide open and pointing to the west! “You didn’t know they did that?” my Dad asked. I remember learning about it in 5th Grade Science but in Texas we don’t have stuff that grows in the ground that actually does stuff like that. We don’t have the soil…and if the flowers do move it is to hide from the sun.
There is something about the rising of the sun that demands the attention of these flowers. Maybe there is something to learn from these beautiful bits of creation that God put there for us to marvel at. It is Spring Time…It is a time of change…It is a time of new life…It is Easter Sunday! Does the rising of The Son demand our attention? Do we open up and absorb life from Him every day? With the rising of The Son…let us open ourselves to Him and soak up the Life which is truly life!
“From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.” - Psalm 113:3
“From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.” - Psalm 113:3